Monday, September 28, 2009

Facebook: A genius idea or the pitfall of authentic friendships?

I've been thinking a lot about Facebook lately. I love it. I do. I am a person that values relationships and this has been a great way to get in touch with a lot of people from my life. It is interesting to see what they are doing on a day to day basis (thanks for News Feed) and comment back to them about life. I feel in some ways more a part of their lives than ever...

...or do I?

As a person who does really value relationships, Facebook has also really turned into a trap of sorts. Even as I feel connected to others on one hand, if I'm honest, I think it is just a facade of a genuine relationship. Obviously there are many layers to this debate, and in and of itself, Facebook really does well at social connecting. Yet, somedays I just get depressed (for lack of a better term), because even though I feel so well connected virtually, there is no physical or emotional connection. It's not that Facebook is my sole friendship network or anything...but the more I spend my time on it, which for a moment fills my friendship tank, it quickly empties and I'm left feeling as alone and unconnected as before. (Am I sounding completely pathetic yet? :)

How would I feel different if I invested that time spent on Facebook trying to "keep up with my friends" (and comparing my day/feeling/opportunities with them) and actually picked up the phone and called them?

How might I feel different? More connected? More filled?


ps. Anyone want to be my friend? :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

You do not change...

We sang this song in church yesterday and I just can't get the words and tune out of my mind.

Fresh as the morning,
sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful,
you do not change.

~"God of the Bible"
from Sing the Journey, Faith and Life Resources)

Having had so much change and transition in my life these past few years (physically, emotionally, and spiritually)...knowing that God is constant throughout all of my hills and valleys brings me great peace. For God's presence (felt or not) is not contingent upon what I bring to the table. For God is. Just as God has been in the past, and present, God will continue to be in the future. Truly, even as the sun rises each morning, God is continually working in seen and unseen ways.

This morning, God I give you thanks for your steadfastness, despite my unevenness.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Photo shoot

Here are a few shots from our latest 3 year/9 month photo excursion. Let me tell you it was a trip. I must have been smoking crack thinking that I could take the both of them by myself and pick out pictures...seriously. Why was there no intervention?????? You can see that "twinkle" in Owen's eyes. Oh, the joys of a 3 year old. I had to do some serious deep breathing afterwards. A sweet kiss. The chair was the only thing to contain our crawling monster. However, I didn't really like how it looked in the pictures. Connor looks like the Godfather.

Connor, my usually happy-go-lucky guy was pretty fussy and didn't want to smile. This is the best we could do. Grr...don't you just love getting the kids around for pictures (keeping all food, spit up, and snot off of them), driving there, only to have fussy kids? Seriously........................

These pictures at least seem to somewhat capture my guys in this stage of life. A bit ornery, and nowhere close to stationary. Wonder what the next stages will bring?