Ok, I apologize for not updating the blog sooner than this---our camera just got soaked by an unfortunate spill in my purse, that proceeded to fry both the camera and my new cell phone (neither which had insurance). So--that $1.25 water bottle spill became quite expensive. Alas, we are without picture capabilities and seriously, what fun is it to read a blog with no pictures?
Hopefully Shawn and I will be able to get out and buy a new camera soon, to keep you up-to-date with our little man. He is almost walking...so close...he'll now stand by himself for about 30 seconds at a time, but still hasn't figured out how to walk without letting go. He continues to make us laugh with his antics and new vocabulary every day! His new favorite thing is to push anything resembling a car/truck/tractor around saying, "Vrrrmmmmm....!" We also put a new star/moon mobile above his changing table, which he LOVES. He points to the moon and goes, "Mooooonnnnnn" and has just learned to say "Staaars." So precious!
So, needless to say, we hope to be up and running again soon!