Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Let the celebrations begin!

Last week, Shawn's parents came to town to see Owen, just before he turns the big 1! So, of course we had to have a pre-party! Rachel made a quite ugly lion cake--which actually didn't even resemble a lion, but tasted amazing! I guess that is why pre-parties are good can see what works and what doesn't! Anyhow, Owen was a bit confused about the cake--he wasn't sure if he wanted to get into it or not. However, once he dug into it a bit, he started going "ummmmmmmm!!" That was cute! The Gerber G'parents got O a great farm set that Owen really enjoys, some adorable clothes and books. He can now say, "One!" and put up one finger when you ask him how old he is.

We spent the weekend together relaxing, playing games, and hiking/eating in Breckenridge, CO. It was so pretty there--we need to go back! Enjoy the pictures of the weekend...and as you can also see, Owen is becoming pretty adept at blowing bubbles and feeding himself! :)


beth said...

Hey Shawn and Rachel! I followed a link to your blog from Noah's blog and I have to say I've enjoyed looking at it. I also want to thank you Rachel for a wonderful article in the Mennonite this week. I appreciate what you had to say as a mother and as a member of the village.

Great pictures all around, Owen looks like a little Shawn in so many!

Beth Miller

Yoder Schrock Family said...

Yes, Rachel I want to echo Beth's comment about your article in the Mennonite. It was wonderful. I find that I have many songs rising up in me for Noah too, and I also actually sing to him all the time--about nothing and about the most important things. Thank you for sharing Owen's song and for putting into words this wonderful phenomenon.

And, Happy Birthday, Owen!!! I think your cake looks yummy.

Everything Belongs said...

Thanks Beth and Mandy for your comments about the article. It was adapted from a sermon I did eariler this summer--let me tell you it is hard cutting a 2,000 word sermon to a 700 word essay, and still have it make some sense with decent tranistions. :) It is pretty amazing about the power we have as parents (and as the church) to shape awesome responsibility and privledge. Hope you are both well...likewise, I absolutely love seeing your kiddos grow! WOW! What cuties! :)

the masts: justin, jessica, benjamin and philip said...

Yeah for the big 1! How exciting that these little boys just keep growing. It's not that I expected any less, but it's so true what they all say... It goes SO fast!