Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A little perspective

As I was plodding around the track this morning, which still felt much too hard at this point in our training with the race next weekend (insert large "gulp" here), I realized how I was running. No, I'm not talking about "heal, toe" or keeping my arms poised at perfect 90 degree angles. It was my eyes. They were glued to the track about a foot in front of me. A voice from within said,

"Look around."

And so I did. I saw a beautiful sunrise, lush green trees, singing birds...a start to a beautiful day. It made me think at how often I go through my day with my eyes down, focused only within my little world. How easy it is for me to get caught up in the demands of life, feeling overwhelmed, torn, fragmented, etc...I can so easily lose perspective on the bigger picture. I see the annoyances of my job and forget to see the blessing it has been in providing housing (et. al) for our family during this time of transition; I see the piles of laundry and dishes to be done and forget to see that I am blessed because I actually have people to care for.

A new day.
A new perspective.

Ironic thing...when I got back inside. Shawn said that he and Connor came out and stood on our front steps watching me run for a little bit. They were waving and cheering me on.

I had no clue.

Awake my soul.
Wake up.
Look around and take notice.
For this is a new day
to give thanks,
for blessings that are large and noticeable,
and small hidden ones
just waiting to be uncovered.
Awake my soul.
Wake up.

God help me not to push the snooze button.


Jen said...

Beautiful, Rach. What a great reminder.

Ramona said...

Another great sermon I'd say.

Becca Harley said...

What a magnificent reminder!!! and one that I need daily as I attempt to wait (some days not too patiently:)for our daughter to come home! THanks, Rach

The Goods said...

I so needed to read this today! Thanks for sharing and for the reminder :)

Jewel said...

Thanx for sharing this perspective. We all need this little reminder!