Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Exciting News...

Hello readers!
I am so excited to share with you all that I will be one of the guest bloggers at(In)courage, a website that is geared towards encouraging the hearts of women. I will let you know when to expect my post, entitled, "Hide & Seek."
As always, I love it that you continue to follow and read this blog. As you can see, it has been going through some changes, with some more to come over the next several weeks. (**If you are still reading this blog on Blogger, try to switch your RSS feed over to www.everything-belongs.com/ and see if it will redirect you to my new site. We are still working out the kinks.**)  I'd love it if you would leave a comment/thought when it comes out on the (in)courage blog.
Thanks for the support--I'm deeply humbled and in awe of how God continues to work...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When you can't find the words

What does a day filled with sun, swimming, and hungry bellies waiting for dinner add up to? 

Lots of tears. Screams.  Fits. Gnashing of teeth. 

Don't you wish you could have been a guest at the Gerber's tonight?
Consider yourself lucky.

As we sat down at the spread table with my wailing babe, and hands were extended towards one another to grasp for grace (quite literally, from my perspective), we sang.

"I can't sing!" cried the droning bass. "I can't sing."

As I held his little hand in mine, through his sputtering and gasping, I whispered,
"It's okay.  You don't have to.  We will sing for you."

I didn't really even give these words much thought as they escaped my lips, until after they touched the wind. Everyday sacred.  Here it is.  Even in the mess. Especially in the mess.

In the dark, in the hopelessness, in the fear...
when God seems to be nowhere in sight, or exhaustion runs so deep--where even breathing seems labored...

Let us sing for you.

The power of God's people.  Holding for you--for me, when things seem to be too much.  Keeping faith, when it is hard to find, as long as needed. 

I continue to think back on this dinner interchange time and time again tonight. And find myself moved at the depth of these words. This truth.

I've experienced the singing community. As has my family.  And I have had the honor of singing for others.

So wherever your find yourself today, well-fed and nourished; or pit-empty and aching, know there is a place for you at the table.

There is always a place at the table--after all, isn't that what family is all about? 
You bring the good, bad, and ugly.

And it is at this Table, that we hold hands and say grace.

 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought,
but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.
~Romans 8:26

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Sabbath Prayer

A fitting prayer for me, this morning.  I hope it meets you in your places of longing...

The risen, living Christ
Calls me by my name;
Comes to the loneliness within me;
Heals that which is wounded in me;
Comforts that which grieves in me;
Seeks for that which is lost within me;
Releases me from that which has dominion over me;
Cleanses me of that which does not belong to me;
Renews that which feels drained within me;
Awakens that which is asleep in me;
Names that which is formless within me;
Empowers that which is newborn within me;
Consecrates and guides that which is strong within me;
Restores me to this world which needs me;
Reaches out in endless love to others through me.

~Flora Slosson Wuellner
from Prayer, Fear, and our Powers, Upper Room Books, 1989.

With all that I am, all that I shall be, and all that I cannot yet even imagine,
I offer to you today.
In your loving embrace, fill me with your goodness and mercy and light,
so that wherever I tread,
You are seen.
Go with me, and those who read these words, now and always.
In this Sabbath day, meet us along the road.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Encountering Grace

There were his shoes. Sitting by the door.  Just as he left them. Day after day they sat there, reminders of the gap of his presence.
Daddy?  Hospital? the little voices rang.
Yes, dear ones, Daddy is in the hospital.  He loves you so much and can't wait to come home.
Long days, longer nights.  Exhaustion strickens.
But Grace upholds.
Midnight calls, pleas for help, Grace comes.  Without excuse, without complaint, Grace shows up and sits.
Phone calls, visits, texts, prayers, food.
Grace extended.
As I sat on the hospital bed, with beeps and tubes and needles, holding the hand of my love, we speak of this Grace that comes and keeps on coming.  Freely and unencumbered.
We weep.
Grace sustains.
What is this? This miracle of sustenance--showers of manna, everyday covering our ground.  Funny at how the word, "manna," in Hebrew means, "What is this?"  What is this that comes and feeds and allows us to live, even as we encounter the desert of life?
Grace is gift.
And all we can do is to go out and gather this "what is it?" every morning, unable to repay what has been given. But to accept what has been offered and gather enough for the day, knowing that tomorrow more will be there.
We live.
Thanks be to the Great Physician...                                                                                            and to the people of God.  
Through you, we have seen God.
ps. I will continue to copy and paste here, until I can get the kinks worked out with Wordpress (about updating everything-belongs.com to your readers).  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Re link me

Hi friends!

As I was cruising around on the web, getting caught up on blogs, etc...,I noticed that my "update feed" wasn't coming up on a few of your blogs. I think it is because I switched to Wordpress (even though my address is the same).

If you want to get the latest update from me, try relinking my address again.  Hopefully it will redirect you there.


Thanks for reading!