The risen, living Christ
Calls me by my name;
Comes to the loneliness within me;
Heals that which is wounded in me;
Comforts that which grieves in me;
Seeks for that which is lost within me;
Releases me from that which has dominion over me;
Cleanses me of that which does not belong to me;
Renews that which feels drained within me;
Awakens that which is asleep in me;
Names that which is formless within me;
Empowers that which is newborn within me;
Consecrates and guides that which is strong within me;
Restores me to this world which needs me;
Reaches out in endless love to others through me.
~Flora Slosson Wuellner
from Prayer, Fear, and our Powers, Upper Room Books, 1989.
With all that I am, all that I shall be, and all that I cannot yet even imagine,
I offer to you today.
In your loving embrace, fill me with your goodness and mercy and light,
so that wherever I tread,
You are seen.
Go with me, and those who read these words, now and always.
In this Sabbath day, meet us along the road.
good photos
like it, and inspired
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