Friday, May 11, 2007

A season of change...

On Tuesday of this week, I (Shawn) was offered the position of Manager of the Department of Spiritual Care at Presbyterian/St. Luke's Hospital where I currently serve as a half time Staff Chaplain. After much consideration, I accepted the offer which is a full time position and an amazing opportunity to further my chaplain career. So with mixed emotions I have decided to resign from my current position of Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care/Outreach at First Mennonite Church (Denver).

This is a decision that I have made after much discernment and prayer. My decision is largely based on following my passion of offering pastoral care in a clinical setting. It also reflects how I feel God has formed me as a person and is leading me. This is in no way is this decision related to negative feelings toward FMC as a congregation. They have all been so good and gracious to Rachel, Owen, and I, and I am continually thankful for how our paths have crossed. I truly have enjoyed serving them.

I also feel that this decision is right for my family life. For me to be at one place full time will help to balance my life given my duties with work, and as a father and husband. As for Rachel, she plans on continuing to serve at FMC as pastor.

The hospital would like me to start the first week of June. I would like to transition to the hospital at the beginning of June as well. I recognize that this is short notice for the church and yet this is the earliest that I could inform them due to the timing of the former Manager’s resignation and the official offer given to me for the position. I want the transition to go as well as possible and I want to be fair to the hospital and FMC, so I will continue to be in conversation with leadership about when my role with FMC officially ends.

I feel so excited about this opportunity with the hospital, but I am also filled with grief about leaving the church. However, within me I feel a peace that this is the right decision but it is still very hard.

1 comment:

Perry, Becca, Simon and Lukas said...

Congrats! We are very happy for you in your new role.