Thursday, May 31, 2007

A day in the life...

Interested in a day in the life of Owen and Rachel? Today, Derek came over (Rachel's parenting co-op buddy), and Owen and he played "mountains," as any good Colorado-ian would do! I put all of our couch cushions on the floor and they had a ball climbing on top and over them. Then, when Owen went down for his nap, Derek and I made cookies for the guys that were putting our patio in. We enjoyed watching them do their "thing," and were impressed at the results! I learned a lot about how stamped concrete is done. In short, they pour the regular concrete and then throw this colored sand on top, which is the tint. Then sweep over it with their brush to blend it in to the concrete (and continue this a few times over). They let that dry for awhile and then sprinkle on the top coat color (it's darker, so when it is sealed, you'll get a relief effect...the lighter bottom color will come through). Once the color desired is reached, they take these huge rubber stamps and put them together like a puzzle piece, pressing it in with a large mallet. Then then go over the cracks by hand with what looks like a pizza roller, and makes it look like real stone. Anyways, before you fall completely asleep, it looks like it takes a lot of work, and creates a lot of dust! We are very thankful and grateful for the amazing job Enesemo Duran and crew did! He's coming back tomorrow for the final sealer, so I'll post a picture of the final product then.

Anyhow, back in the house, Owen loves playing with his new instruments Shawn and I got him. It includes: a drum, chimes, tamborine, shakers, etc...Owen will mimic anything you do. He's hilarious. I think the picture of him drumming, captures his essence completely! What will this world hold for him? (Sort of reminds me of the SNL "Cow Bell" sketch...look it up and watch it on YouTube. It is so funny!) Currently, both boys are down for their naps. It is a blessed moment of the day! I am preaching on Sunday, so I had better return to that. Until next time...

1 comment:

Marika said...

The picture of Owen playing the drum is pretty excellent! What personality!