Monday, September 28, 2009

Facebook: A genius idea or the pitfall of authentic friendships?

I've been thinking a lot about Facebook lately. I love it. I do. I am a person that values relationships and this has been a great way to get in touch with a lot of people from my life. It is interesting to see what they are doing on a day to day basis (thanks for News Feed) and comment back to them about life. I feel in some ways more a part of their lives than ever...

...or do I?

As a person who does really value relationships, Facebook has also really turned into a trap of sorts. Even as I feel connected to others on one hand, if I'm honest, I think it is just a facade of a genuine relationship. Obviously there are many layers to this debate, and in and of itself, Facebook really does well at social connecting. Yet, somedays I just get depressed (for lack of a better term), because even though I feel so well connected virtually, there is no physical or emotional connection. It's not that Facebook is my sole friendship network or anything...but the more I spend my time on it, which for a moment fills my friendship tank, it quickly empties and I'm left feeling as alone and unconnected as before. (Am I sounding completely pathetic yet? :)

How would I feel different if I invested that time spent on Facebook trying to "keep up with my friends" (and comparing my day/feeling/opportunities with them) and actually picked up the phone and called them?

How might I feel different? More connected? More filled?


ps. Anyone want to be my friend? :)


Rolon Miller Blog said...

Amen sister! I totally get what you are saying. Definitely a pitfall for me. I tend to connect with ppl on fb but yet I do not feel connected at all. I miss ya girl. It has been a long time since we connected. Maybe soon we can coordinate our schedules :)

Jen said...

My thoughts exactly! I think that when I check facebook for too long (or too often) I often feel more isolated, lonely, and disconnected. It's definitely a good way to network and keep in touch with people, but I think it is a false sense of true connection. That's what inspired me to do the book study on Authentic Relationships. I'm looking forward to see what discussions and ideas will come from that.

LeVon said...

You said what I've been thinking for quite a while! It's another technology that promises a lot, but can only deliver superficially.

(As a computer programmer and seminary grad., I think about these things - weird, I know)

Marika said...

I definitely have a love/hate relationship with facebook for all the reasons you mention in this post.

Lisa A. said...

Oh, honey, call me! The doc I work with is on vacation and I can't FB at work with a good conscience, but I can talk on the phone. (I'm pretty sure that might be a double-standard, but I miss your voice!) 719-351-9906

Perry, Becca, Simon and Lukas said...

Well said! I totally agree! Anyway- you've always got a friend here... speaking of which, I've got to call ya and catch up again. I miss ya gobs!

Shawn Delp said...

Rachel I have similar feelings and I have actually found that I spend so little time on it because of some of what you shared. Also it seems a bit unreal because I often see the highlights of people's lives and on a bad day it can make you feel worse when it looks like everyone's life on FB is great. Now do I sound pathetic or what?