Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Photo shoot

Here are a few shots from our latest 3 year/9 month photo excursion. Let me tell you it was a trip. I must have been smoking crack thinking that I could take the both of them by myself and pick out pictures...seriously. Why was there no intervention?????? You can see that "twinkle" in Owen's eyes. Oh, the joys of a 3 year old. I had to do some serious deep breathing afterwards. A sweet kiss. The chair was the only thing to contain our crawling monster. However, I didn't really like how it looked in the pictures. Connor looks like the Godfather.

Connor, my usually happy-go-lucky guy was pretty fussy and didn't want to smile. This is the best we could do. Grr...don't you just love getting the kids around for pictures (keeping all food, spit up, and snot off of them), driving there, only to have fussy kids? Seriously........................

These pictures at least seem to somewhat capture my guys in this stage of life. A bit ornery, and nowhere close to stationary. Wonder what the next stages will bring?


Marika said...

I think the pictures are adorable!

Jen said...

Oh, Rachel, this is so true!!! I remember thinking before I had kids what *fun* picture-taking would be-- the outfits I'd pick for them to wear, the cute poses, capturing those timeless moments..... And then reality slammed me in the face. I've found there really is no "good window" to get a professional photograph taken. Picture-taking has ended up being one of my least favorite parts about milestones. And I also learned the hard way about making sure Jeff comes with me. Every. Single. Time. *sigh*

For what it's worth, the pictures are still pretty darn cute. Your boys are stylin'!!

Jewel said...

Oh, Rachel, you had quite the experience! But the pictures are adorable! I love how they have matching outfits! Can't tell that they were ornery for ya! Where did you get them taken at?

the masts: justin, jessica, benjamin and philip said...

Yeah! They are so cute! I didn't want you thinking we're not checking up on you every time I do the blog rotation! We had brunch bunch this morning and we do still miss you!

Perry, Becca, Simon and Lukas said...

I LOVE these pics! AND I laughed at your comment about the chair and Owen being the Godfather- too funny- I think they're darling! I too relate; we got Lukas' 4 months taken (I must post these) and only ended up w/ one pose that really worked. This was after we had to purchase another outfit b/c the one I'd planned for him had gobs of spit up on it and the back-up outfit I brought was too big. Oh well- the pics definitely capture your treasures- I love them!