Sunday, January 24, 2010


Where as most 3 year-olds are interested in coloring/drawing pictures, Owen has mostly been interested in writing. A quick story...

Last year (O was 2.5) there was a nursing student doing a pediatric developmental assessment on Owen. She gave him a crayon and some paper. He immediately asked her, "What do we need? Oil? Milk? Eggs?"

Of course...a grocery list! I tend to give him some paper and a pen when I am writing out my shopping list for the week, so he was just following suit.

Anyhow, we've tried to nurture his interest in writing by showing him how to write his name. For awhile now he's been able to do it (probably around his 3rd birthday), but lately he as become very adept at it and can not only do it faster, but clearer as well. Isn't it great?

However, Owen, next time, let's actually use the paper, ok?


Marika said...

Oh no! Well, he certainly has a nice signature! :) There are kids who come to kindergarten without being able to write their name, so he's way ahead of the game! What a smart (and resourceful) boy. :)

Jewel said...

Yeah for Owen! That's great that he can write his name. Braylon just learned that a couple weeks ago. Not sure if you already saw that on my blog or not.

Ramona said...

Oh Rachel, I see a little Owen following his mommy's heart. Sweet and amazing hand writing. I agree with Marika he is way ahead of the game for school.