Saturday, February 20, 2010

How about a month of love?

Because I had all good intentions to write about some special people I love the week of Valentine's Day...and I only had time to write about is only fair that I commission this entire month as my "Month of Love." So, interspersed throughout this month of postings, watch for these top-10 lists.

For Owen:
10. I love your energy. Sometimes you wear me out, but you always light up the room!
9. I love it that you are the negotiator. Nothing is ever set in stone for you, always up for "deals," as you call it. It sometimes causes me great frustration, but in the midst of it all, I realize that you feel like you have a voice and it is worth hearing. You have a good sense of self which other people might call stubborn, but I think it is a great asset. You know who you are and know you have value. A good lesson in self-confidence for sure!
8. I love your humor. Seriously, you crack me up. We have so much fun together, esp. playing with iPhoto!
7. I love it how you love to read and write. You are very smart and would sit for as many books as someone would read you. You also connect what you read to everyday life.
6. I love it your imagination. I never really know who I'm going to meet each day (in your play). Lately, you have been a lion, a bear, a comes in handy as it is often how I get you to eat your vegetables..."Hey Mr. Pteranodon, here is your wiggly fish (dangle green beans above your mouth)!"
5. I love it how you are social. You are always up to meeting and making new friends. If you don't know someones name, you are not afraid to ask!
4. I love it how you love to cuddle. You have always been this way. You snuggle close and if you come to my bed in the middle of the night, you will always go to my (Mom's) side to slide in.
3. I love it how you just love to talk. Lately, you have been taking me by the hand and saying, "Mom let's go to the couch and talk." Coming from a 3-year old, this just cracks me up. You are able to verbalize your emotions well and I love it that we understand each other. You and me are a lot alike.
2. I love it how you love your brother, Coni. You come up to him and sing him "his song," so quietly and gently in his ear. You guys are going to have some really fun times together...
1. I love it how you are so full of love and want to be apart of our family. You started the tradition of making the "peanut butter sandwich hug." Mom and Dad are the bread (on either side) and you are the peanut butter that gets smushed in-between us. Sometimes Connor is with us too, and you have deemed him the "jelly." Then you put your arms around us all and say, "I love you guys. We are together as a family!"

Owen, know that we will always be together, and that we will always love you. Just as peanut butter is such an integral part of a PB&J, so are you in the place of our family's life. We love you and are so glad God gave you to us!

1 comment:

BMK said...

Rachel, YOU crack me up! Clearly your son got some of your sense of humor. :-) Can't wait to hear about Shawn!