Sunday, February 7, 2010

A week of love

This week, prior to Valentine's Day, I want to pay homage to some special people in my life that I love--with a top 10 list of reasons why I love them.

To Connor
10. I love how you sing, "Ma-ma" to me. "Maaaaaaa-ma." "Ma-MA!"
9. I love it how you love music and whenever you hear it, you stop what you are doing and shake your booty!
8. I love how you are serious about giving hugs. You give them so freely and say "hug" as you grab hold of my neck and lay your little head on my shoulder.
7. I love how you love your big brother, Owen. You want to do what he is doing and are not afraid to get in on the action. You guys are best buddies and I hope you will always be close throughout your life. I also love it that Owen started your nickname, "Conni," which your dad and I have expanded to, "Conni-con-con!'
6. I love it that you are not a performer. You have your own mind, as far as what you want to do, when you want to do it. You have a good sense of self, already as a 14-month old!
5. I love it when you point to the same things everyday when I get you up from your crib. You point to the quilt on the wall (that has a car on it) and go, "Brrrmmmm!" And when we walk downstairs and pass the wall-hanging with elephants and birds you make an elephant sound and pinch your fingers together like a bird chirping. You do this every time! You are very aware of your surroundings and like to point things out to me.
4. I love it how you kick your legs when I pick you up. You show such affection and have such a sweet spirit and disposition about you.
3. I love it how you hum when I rock you asleep.
2. I love your crocodile tears. You don't cry very often, but when you do, you have such a classic tragic look--bottom lip sticks out, open-mouth silent cry, huge tears begin to roll out, followed by a wail. Who could resist coming to your aid?!
1. I love it that whenever we are in the car and you need to go to sleep, all I have to do is reach my hand back to hold yours. You hold on tight and within moments are sacked out. It's like you don't want to be alone and need some reassurance that someone is with you. Know I will always be there for you.

Connor, I love it that God chose me to be your Mom. I am so blessed to have you in my life as you bring such joy not only to me but to so many others. May you continue to be a blessing all your life. May God watch over you, and guide you. May you know that you are deeply loved by God, your Mom and Dad and by so many others. May this love help you to deeply love others in this world, as well as cherish yourself as the gift you are. I am deeply honored to be your Mama.


Marika said...

What a great idea! And so sweet!

Jewel said...

What a neat post. I don't get to see those part of Connor so it's really neat to read all about him & what he's doing!