Friday, March 19, 2010

32 by 32

I have always struggled to some extent with my weight all my life. I remember going on my first diet in 6th grade. I've done all the diet rages: liquid, Atkins, Weight Watchers, L.A. Weight Loss. I have lost anywhere between 5-18 pounds at any given time. Reasons? I have wanted a better looking body. I wanted to look good.

But now...

It's not that I don't want to look good anymore, but my priorities have shifted. I will always have stretch marks, and you know what...that is okay. They are my stripes from birthing 2 of the most precious things in my life. (Even though if I am completely honest, I do envy those beautiful preggo pictures that some of my friends have with the most perfect naked bellies.)

But now, I want to be finished losing this extra weight for my boys. So I can see them grow up. Watch them become the people they have been created to be. I want to be healthy for me, more so than what my image looks like in the mirror, I want to reflect health from within.

So, that is why I am announcing my 32 pounds by my 32nd birthday. I have already lost 10.* So even though it will be tight (ok, I'm giving myself through June), with a lot of hard work and determination, it can be done.

It will be the best birthday present for me...
and for those I love.

*I guess I could say that right before giving birth to Connor, I have already lost 54 pounds. That is A LOT! But we still have a little more to go...

1 comment:

Krista said...

Just happened upon your blog when looking at a friends'....very cute pic of the family! =) I'm really impressed by your goal! I'm cheering you on! Way to take care of your health for your family and not just yourself. It makes it even more meaningful and more motivational in that way!
Blessings on planning and making the upcoming move!