Monday, September 13, 2010

Go on, say it!

This weekend was one of those.  At the store, I was the mother wrangling her screaming children who wanted M&Ms.  At church, I had the wiggly child who did not seem to understand the meaning of "whisper."  At the park, I had the kids that cut in the slide line, ran away when called, and pouted when it was time to go home.

Yes, it was one of those.

Last night, on the way home from the park, I started lamenting to Shawn that people probably think our kids are out of control.  Wisely, Shawn said, "I don't really care."

That phrase instantly re-oriented me.

Yes, I do sometimes have squirmy kids who know what they want, when they want it and are not afraid to show it.  Sometimes I have kids who have difficulty listening to directions and following instructions.  But really, who doesn't?

Rather than going down the self-loathing road, I instead turned and told myself that still, despite my children's "sometimes" (and "sometimes more") behavior, I am still a really great mom. And person.

Sometimes I need to remind myself of this.

If you are a mom (or whatever role you are in...worker, dad, grandparent, pastor, etc...) I invite you to say it too, SNL Stuart Smiley style!


Jewel said...

Amen, sister! Well said.

Unknown said...

For the record, I have never seen your kids misbehave.

Shawn Delp said...

Thank you thank you thank you for this post. I have had a hard week of lamenting and today when we left the mall play area because Symeon was literally climbing on the 4 foot high dividing walls I was beating myself up so this reminder was much needed.