Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The almost unnoticed laugh

We needed to be out the door this morning no later than 9am to go to Owen's preschool field-trip to the apple orchard.  (I think it must be a requirement for preschool curriculum to include at least one of these per fall!)  Connor did NOT want to put on his socks and shoes.  As I was flying around gathering up the things we needed, I caught Connor on my lap and started the wrestling battle (MMA worthy). I didn't even realize it, until I actually turned to look him in the face, exasperated about what was going on, that I saw this:
I cracked up laughing!  Not 1, but 2 pacifiers. (I mean, really, he is pretty addicted, but this is verging on a 12-step program!)  We all had a really great laugh about it. Then he sat down, let me put his socks and shoes on without fault.  

It got me thinking...how often do I go about my day without really looking into my children's face?  That I run around and around, balancing 50,000 duties and tasks, and not really see what they are trying to show me.  This just gave me pause to stop and consider...

1.  What am I missing when I don't slow down to notice who they are     (being/changing) and what they want (from me/show me)?

2. How can laughter and a sense of humor help diffuse even the most difficult situation? 

Oh Connor--you are my jokester.  
I love you so much.
Forgive me when I don't notice you and what you are trying to show me. 
Help me to not get so caught up in the day to day details
that I miss out on the fun of life. 
Your eyes truly twinkle.


Jewel said...

What a great post & wonderful reminder to us parents. Such cute pics. We have that fishing game that Owen is playing with.

3 boys 1 princess said...

Hi, my name is Michelle and I just came across your blog. I have two little boys like you. Brady is 4 and Parker is 20months. I love this post :)