Monday, November 8, 2010

Sounding the alarm

My little alarm clock went off this morning at 4:45 a.m.  Yes, you read that correctly, 4:45 A.M. With a pounce and a hug this alarm rang his bell soundly, until it was silenced by a glass of juice.  No snooze button here.

Do you know what is on TV at 4:45 a.m.?  I really hope you don't.  Let me tell you, just in case you are curious.  Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero, unless you want to order "The Best of Soul Train" DVD Collection from TimeLife. (Which actually mesmorized the alarm clock for quite awhile...)

Do you know why nothing is on TV?
Because people 4:45am.

The day was pretty rough...let's be real. There was too little patience and too much laundry.  Too little coffee and too much human excrement clean-up and carpet scrubbing.  Too little focus and too much complaining.

Yet such are some days.  May God's grace still abound, and abound, and abound.  Yet, as much as I'd love to get a jump start on grace, God, as it is written,"...your mercies are new every morning...,"

am I asking too much to start the morning a little later tomorrow?


Unknown said...

I feel your pain! Last night Caleb was like, "I'll wake up early with Lucy tomorrow morning if you pick up my sister from the airport." I thought this was a great deal, because the day before Lucy woke up way too early, until I found out that the flight had been delayed and didn't get into the C-ville airport until 2 a.m.! Got the same amount of sleep as I would have waking up with Lucy!

Marika said...

Nope. You definitely are not asking too much! :)