Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just sayin'

I think the people that make door knob covers should lose their jobs.

They don't work, people. They don't work.

And how do I know that?

Babes are tucked into their beds, lights off, door shut. No less than 30 seconds later, door opens, little feet pitter-patter downstairs, and scurry around like mice. Take back to bed.

Repeat, with inclusion of stern words.
Repeat, with inclusion of further threats.
Repeat...repeat, repeat.
(And why does this happen when the husband is gone for the evening?)

The last time, I let them go downstairs a bit longer partially out of frustration, and partially out of surrender. When I finally take them up, they are no longer resentful, but proud.

"Come see, Mommy, come see."
Uh oh.

Upon entering their room, to my surprise there was a picnic. Complete with the 9x13 egg casserole for tomorrow's breakfast, yogurt, hot dogs, leftovers from supper.

Seriously, these children are fed throughout the day.
Quite well, in fact.

Tomorrow, installation of refrigerator lock will commence. Hopefully this product will work.

Don't let me down, people. Please, don't let me down.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Rachel. I almost spit out the water I was drinking when I got to the part about the picnic! That's CRAZY! Makes me thankful that my little guy only got out of bed three times the other night because he missed his friend, because he had a boo-boo, and because he was scared of the dark!

Unknown said...

Why is it always food with them? Wasn't it a half-eaten Oreo a few weeks ago? Oh dear, my heart goes out to you. If it was only socially acceptable to tie them to their beds ...

Norwexian said...

Time for a dorm fridge in their room, stocked with one or two things that won't be a problem if it removed? Cheese sticks? Carrots? Hmmmmm What else?

Jewel said...

Oh my goodness, are you serious? The picnic is hilarious (um...if you're not the parent). Was it both of them...or just one boy?