Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making the list

Lately, I've felt really demanding.

Demanding of my husband.
The one who already gives so much,
to his family,
to the ones who sit in darkness of pain and suffering. 

Demanding of my boys--
why can't they do more?
why can't they listen?
why can't they (for the love of all things holy) be quiet. for. one. minute?

Even demanding of myself--
to do more,
to be more.

It is exhausting to live like this.  
Each morning I wake up feeling like I am on a treadmill.
Run, run, run.
But where am I going?
What do I really want? 

I have felt convicted today to see my life through the lens of gratitude. 

Because gratitude warms the cold demands. 
Gratitude deepens the soul.
Gratitude sees all life as a gift.
Every moment is holy--it is to be honored, 
not rushed,
imposed upon,

This is love.

Gratitude--to be grateful,
to be full of grace,
that which is given as gift. 
To see that which is gift.
God, grant me eyes to see.

But this can only be learned through practice. 
I need to do gratitude. 
I can't just hope it will come.
I can't just wish it here.
I need to do it. 

And so I write these daily glimpses of grace,
life given as gift,
to silence the demands,
the demons that try to steal my life,
my joy,
my love.

1. A warm bed that grew 4 additional legs and arms overnight.
2. Quiet, slow afternoons.
3. The smell of the clean dishes.
4. The squeals of chase. 
5. Sister-in-laws that are like sisters.

It is working...
my soul smiles deep within. 
Peace nudges the dark.
Life is blessed.

And so, I will continue to write.  
I will continue to make my list.

For as I do, the demands of my soul...
the places of darkness within that call out discontent,
are hushed. 

And grace rushes in.

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